Friday, July 24, 2009

Another day

It has been about a week since I left Taiwan and came home in a flurry of events. Since I have been home I have not done that much except spend time with my dad. He is doing well, his church has been an incredible blessing to him. We have not had the memorial service yet, we will do that on Tuesday next week.

Ever since I made it back everything seemed to be surreal, while I know that my stepmother has passed away it still doesn't seem real is a sense. I am not denying what happened, it is just that the weight of what has happened has not hit me yet. However I know that we all go through grief in different ways and in different stages.

In the mean time I am just resting when I can and helping my dad as I can. There is more that I could say, however at this point I am still processing what has been going on. One thing that is certain and is the source of my strength and confidence is that we have a redeemer. Paul said that to be ascent from the body is to be present with the Lord, 2Corinthians 5:8, so it is our comfort, our joy, our hope that even though Connie is no longer with us that she is in a coveted place, that being in the presence of Jesus.

Thank you all for you well wishes and prayers


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